Monday, October 3, 2016

Presentation - October 8, 2016

Insight Tarot's Myra Mosman Will Present

“Sacred Scribes, Profane Publishers, Unfortunate Mystics"

at the American Printing History Association’s 41st Annual Conference: The Black Art & Printers’ Devils.The Magic, Mysticism, and Wonders of Printing History. 

Her talk and slide show is on modern printing errors in an ancient mystical text, tarot cards and tarot booklets. She takes the audience inside her Kabbalah studies to gain appreciation of these mistakes. There will also discuss best practices for publishers.  

Check it out: www.


2016 Conference

Friday, June 10, 2016

Kabbalah Study Group - June 23, 2016 Notice

Kabbalah Study Group,

Synchronicity is apparent in our studies. At our last session, we discussed the relationship with the Shekinah at the Tent of Meeting. After which Moses is called to Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandment. 

Tomorrow, the Jewish Holiday of Shavout begins at sundown. On this holiday, we commemorate that holy day at Sinai  and the subsequent transformation in our collective consciousness and soul. It is a blessed time for guidance and renewal.